Apostolos Missions International

Our Staff

Our mission is possible through God-given servants who join our team from all across the world. We collaborate and work together in unity with Chapter leaders, field missionaries, Bible teachers, and many local staff. We are pleased to introduce our representative leaders and staff who exert gracious leadership for our Gospel movement. 

Rev. Dr. Paul DeVries

Senior Leader and Advisor 

Dr. DeVries provides profound wisdom and spiritual guidance for our mission in many areas. Dr. Paul is also President of the New York Divinity School, and has over 25 years of leadership experience in Christian higher education administration, including at Wheaton College, Northern Baptist Theological Seminary and the Seminary of the East. 


Alma Osorio-Ford

Executive Director 

Alma Osorio-Ford is our Executive Director who steers and leads the administration, mission and operation of AM world mission. 


Vanessa Eusebio

Online Evangelism Coordinator

Vanessa Eusebio serves AM as a leader of online evangelism and outreach, using her gift of creativity and IT skill to promote Gospel programs and events in the United States and beyond.


Ashley Barnes

Media Reporter

Ashley Barnes is our media reporter coordinating news from AM chapters worldwide and publishing encouraging, inspiring, and touching stories from our mission fields.


Miriam Vasquez

Mission Coordinator in Mexico

Miriam Vasquez serves AM as a mission coordinator for AM Mexico and surrounding countries in Central America. Her journey with AM began in her college years, and her calling has continued in AM to serve many young souls in her country and beyond.


Isaac Aranda

Mission Coordinator in Colombia

Isaac Aranda is a mission leader in Colombia, where one of the fast-growing AM chapters is located. He steers and leads actively advancing Gospel missions in the cities of Colombia and countries in South America.


Can Liu

Director of Chinese Mission in USA

Can Liu is our Director of the Chinese mission in the United States. He creates edifying, empowering, and nourishing Biblical programs for overseas Chinese students studying in US colleges based on his faith journey from China with many testimonies and stories of grace.


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