Get Involved
AM Roadmap for Campus Life

1. Subscribe to Our Websites
There are many ways to be connected with AM. You can subscribe to our main website,, and receive newsletters. Or you can subscribe to our online Bible school website,, and receive the latest news and programs. Feel free to browse our vision, activities, and programs through our websites and email us anytime if you have any questions.
2. Sign up to Meet Our Staff
Feel free to sign up here if you wish to talk to one of our staff and receive counseling on your spiritual journey. You can either set up the appointment or contact our staff. Many of our staff members have experiences in campus life and understand the contexts that college students face. They will help you find the most fitting track for your journey of faith.
3. Sign up for Bible Study
If you are ready to start our Bible study program, sign up on this page. If you don’t find the schedule that fits, submit the request form with your preferred course and time!
4. Connect with Local Chapter
If you wish to be connected in our onsite local chapter office and staff, please contact here.
We look forward to meeting you soon!
Just as our body needs to grow in health, our spirit also requires nourishing and resourceful support to mature, grow and strengthen in faith. AM offers diverse tracks and programs to help students meet Christ Jesus and mature even deeper throughout campus life. It includes a variety of group bible study programs, student activities, retreats, prayer gatherings and many others.
Find the group activities and programs in this page and join us. Let’s share the truth of the Gospel and be empowered in the Holy Spirit.
We learn and grow as we lead and serve. AM offers diverse opportunities for students to do and experiment with their gift areas for future ministry. We have Volunteer Recruit programs, Internships, Chapter Leader training, and others. As you use your talents to serve the Gospel mission, you find your calling and purpose of life in Christ Jesus much more profoundly.
If you are interested in joining our Volunteer team, go to this page.
If you are interested in participating in short and long term internships, sign up here.
If you are interested in leading local chapters, go to this page.
AM students choose different tracks after their graduation—some further their studies in higher education. And others take careers and begin their professional life. AM graduates also become part-time or full-time AM staff, missionaries, or ministers.
If you graduate and take the career, you can still be connected with AM through AM Alumni Connect. You will continue to receive updates on AM news and mission progress. AM will share opportunities for Alumni to participate in our mission. The whole world is our parish. Keep participating in our mission to spread the Gospel wherever you are!
Go to this page, Alumni Connect.
If you are called to serve the mission, you can become our part-time or full-time HQ staff, Bible Teachers and missionaries. Apply for our certificate programs in AM Academy.