With the deep heart to share of the saving grace found in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, AM Global network leaders and volunteers gathered for the August monthly service to be ignited yet again with the power of the Holy Spirit. Through this time of service, they could receive grace and mission direction for saving one more soul.
Opening the service with a graceful intercessory prayer given by Koray Ozbay, the sermon followed immediately after with a touching message shared by Dr. Deborah Im, the AM Senior Advisor. Sharing on John 6:27, which is the most important verse of this chapter, the leaders and volunteers were reminded of their commission to do the works of God with dignity and loyalty, so that the spiritual hunger and thirst of the many in this world can be truly satisfied through the truth and love of the Lord.
“-But what is our identity? We have this calling in us. And this calling, it is to distribute the food that gives eternal life. We are not in the same place as those who are working in the world, but there is a work that God has given to each of you. This is an honarable position,” said Dr. Deborah.
Taking a look at the news briefing for the past month of mission, the leaders were strengthened to see the work of God at hand through the ministry of AM. The AM Olivet news editor encouraged them to work hard to win one more soul in this month of August, so that greater Glory can be revealed and preciously shared.
After the news briefing, Pastor Josephine, the General Secretary of AM, shared the 360 goal and plans until WGA into achieveable action steps. For the month of August, each chapter is to aim for 12 RM’s and 3 CM’s, for September 24 RM’s and 7 CM’s, and October 40 RM’s and 12 CM’s. To successfully accomplish 360 new members, they were also encouraged to keep the daily mission reports and daily article, with a big focus on online mission.
The service concluded with a prayer for the expansion of AM mission into new C12, M40, G20 countries, and 300 cities. May every AM leader and volunteer dedicate themselves fully for the Gospel of the Lord so that the beautiful vision of feeding over 5,000 weary souls can come to pass one day sooner.