Recently, staff of Apostolos Missions HQ held the first bible study with a local college student and native of New Jersey. The sister was evangelized earlier in the week as she expressed that she had been praying to God for bible study.
Meeting with the sister, who formerly grew up Catholic, the AM USA&CA Representative taught class 1 of phase 2 Bible Core titled “Creation.”
Teaching about the reason for our existence and the purpose of why God created us, the sister reflected at the end of the bible study saying, “I never knew God to have emotions and feelings and being able to understand what we feel. It made me want to consider God’s feelings before mine. It is also very comforting that God knows me perfectly.”
The sister is a Sophomore at TCNJ (The College of New Jersey) majoring in computer science and is interested in coding. After graduating she wishes to take a gap year before deciding the next steps of her life.
Please pray that the sister can continue to join AM HQ for bible study. May she be raised powerfully in the word to grow to serve the Kingdom with her giftings and talents.