Apostolos Missions International

AM Newcastle Chapter Holds First Bible Study

Recently, AM Newcastle had a Bible study with 2 brothers at the University of Newcastle and studied Phase 1, Class 1.

One brother believes in God and is seeking to know more about Christianity. In the past he has considered becoming a Christian and has been inspired by other Christian’s around him. During the sharing time he recounted many meaningful encounters with Christians and the three of them mediated on how peaceful it is to leave things up to God and to believe in His leading. 

The other brother was born and raised in a Sikh family. He believes in God and seeks to obey God. He has been brought up with beautiful traditions of faith that are similar to that of Christianity, like praying in the car with his father before going to school. 

Though they attended Bible studies for different reasons, it’s clear that they are seeking truth and God. The brothers will all continue to meet on Tuesday at 5pm and they will have their next Bible study the following week. 

Please pray for the 2 brothers, for the Holy Spirit to work powerfully in their hearts through the word they hear, and for the Bible study facilitator to be able to guide them well with the shepherd’s heart. 

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