Campus life is an open field for new exploration, academic pursuit, encountering diverse cultures from different places, and the final transitional point for our next phase of life. With empowering Gospel-centered programs, AM offers various opportunities for students to interact with fellow schoolmates and friends. AM college chapters hold group programs below:

Morning QT
Campus culture is often drawn to night mode, losing the freshness of the morning. God called His people to seek His truth and pray in the morning. Just as Israelites collected manna (bread) in the morning and quail (meat) in the evening, Jesus provides profound grace and renewing strength when we come to him in the morning, hear His Word, and pray in the evening. Morning QT(Quiet Time) of the Word and prayer sustains our spiritual life on campus, full of His power and truth.
Group Bible Study
Group Bible Study allows students to gather and share the Word and prayer. Each study session is comprised of a series of bible studies according to the theme continuing for a set period of time. Stay tuned for the news and announcement from your chapter about upcoming Group Bible Study programs.
Large Group Fellowship
When the chapter grows number to more than fifty student members, AM local chapter hosts a Large Group Fellowship every week with worship music, Bible messages, prayer, and fellowship.
Prayer Meeting
We all have many topics to pray for. AM holds a prayer gathering every Friday. We pray for the world mission, our countries and cities, our campus, and our personal topics. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective (James 5:16). Feel free to join prayer gatherings. Praying in a group is more impactful and strengthening!
Weekend Fun Activities
AM Campus chapters hold fun weekend activities that include Donut Fellowship, Sports Activities, Picnics, Brunch Book Club, Barbecues, and many others. Check out our local chapter news to find the program!