Apostolos Missions International

Online Live Pentecost Retreat to be Held, “Receive the Gift of the Holy Spirit”

The AM International HQ is planning to host an online Pentecost retreat on May 31. The one day program will cover lectures on the meaning of Pentecost and the power of the Holy Spirit in Christian life.

The link to the retreat platform will be sent to those who register for the retreat program. The program is being prepared to give nourishing and empowering opportunities for participants to experience the descending power of the Spirit from above and pray together.

Peter the apostle preached in his Pentecost sermon saying, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. You will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” The sermon expounded the soteriological ministry of Jesus Christ from his life and his death on the Cross until His resurrection and ascension. Towards those gathering to listen, the apostle urged repentance and seeking of forgiveness through the name of Jesus Christ as the keystone for receiving the Holy Spirit.

The day of Pentecost will be celebrated with meditation and studies on this one of the most profound topics of Christianity: Receiving the Gift of the Holy Spirit. The lectures will also illuminate practical aspects of life of those led and governed by the power of the Spirit.

The program will be designed to best deliver the essence of the power of Pentecost day as well as other activities to draw participants to be united in prayer.
The link will open for registration next week.

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