AM Chicago participated at the 2019 Club Fair at the University of Illinois – Chicago (UIC) on Sept. 5, 2019. AM HQ leaders, Michael and Alma participated, along with church member, Shania.
It was a truly blessed time where AM International could be presented to hundreds of students passing by. They prepared many things including brochures, flyers for their September Retreat, connection cards, service information, candy, photos, and more.
Below is a testimony from AM North America representative, Michael:
The club fair at UIC was very exciting to my missionary heart. I realized that my conversation with these students was so valuable. This could literally be the last opportunity for a lot of them. So if they were willing, I wanted to share with them the best education they could get that day. Even before the table/booth was set up, I took the opportunity to speak up, and share grace, and I can only leave it to God now, hoping that my words bear fruit, or at bear minimum, were seeds planted for someone else to harvest later. We gathered 16 students and now, I want to prepare not only the Bible study message, but the upcoming retreat with a greater joy and zeal.
The best part of the fair was the “Spinning Bible Wheel.” The staff prepared a wheel with verses on them. The student could spin the wheel and it would land on the verse. The staff prepared many verses on a slip of paper. They would give the verse to the students and explain the message in the verse shortly. Afterwards, they hope the students could receive grace and keep the verse in their heart.
Many students were touched by the verses and opened their hearts more to God through it. There are many lost sheep at UIC. The Word of God is helping to soften their hearts and bring them back to the Lord Jesus. Please pray for a precious harvest of students this fall.